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Word For Today: We Operate By God’s Word.

Opening Scripture:
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Faith is essential.
Our savior while on earth looked out for faith and faith moved Him to do the miraculous.

He is still looking for that faith in us to enable Him to do mighty things in us and through us.
Do you have faith?

Jesus said to a Roman centurion in (Study Matthew 8:10) “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.”
The man’s faith moved Him to action and He received his miracle for his servant.

Instead of observing those mountainous challenges by sight be moved by God’s word that says with faith you will move mountains.

In another scenario in Luke 8:48, He said to a woman, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

Beloved that’s faith at work. Faith is something that moves God to action.
Is your faith at work to move God into action in your life through His word?

The name of Jesus Christ is available and given to us to put those challenges to rest with our active faith.

It’s obvious Faith is something we need and should be developing; to enable us to stand firm. Regrettable many believers are living by sight instead of by faith and by default, they are experiencing little or living below the life Jesus came to bring us. So sad!

Are you part of those believers still struggling with Faith? It’s time to raise and let your faith move God into action in your life.

We have been given all things but we can only access them through faith.
Without faith, it’s impossible to please. Let faith arise in You now. Amen!

Listen beloved just like the opening Scripture says what we see should not determine or influence where we are going rather it should be based on God’s word.

Stop making those challenges look like giants that can never be taken down. Be like David through faith in God brought down Goliath with a stone in a sling.

Observation reduces faith and makes things look impossible before our God.
Listen nothing is impossible with God and to the man of faith in Christ.

Never forget those that know their God will do exploits. It’s time to understand the God we serve for He can deliver and save. Have faith In Him.

Go for God’s word in it your faith grows to stand firm in God and His word.

I pray for you today may your faith stand firm and pull down mountains as testimonies will emerge in Jesus’ name Amen.

In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted

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