Opening Scripture: Colossians 1: 13 Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified and made us fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints.
Glory to God!
Beloved, God’s word is yes and amen but you must understand only with faith can these words work. You must believe and have faith in what the Lord has done.
Only then will you access this inheritance. A King was born who died for us and through His death, burial and resurrection gave us this liberty of what we are enjoying now in Christ. We are born of God and we have overcome the world. (See John 16: 33).
God has deprived the devil the power to harm us. Child of God you must always remind yourself that God is too faithful to fail. Praise the Lord!
This inheritance is the sum total of every power, authority, and recognition that Christ has now made available to us in a free course.
Therefore don’t fret over the wicked. The coming of Christ gave us the deserved victory. Constantly be reminded we are joint heirs with Christ Jesus.
Hallelujah! Such opportunities we have, have placed us on higher terrain.
We have been delivered and set free over our adversaries the devil. As long as you keep walking in Faith in this victory we have and never give in nor give up. No matter what the devil and his cohorts do they can never triumph over us. They also have their own inheritance
Psalm 69: 25 Let their dwelling place be desolate; Let no one live in their tents.
This is the inheritance of our enemies. We have overcome them by the blood of the lamb. A King is born His name is Christ Jesus! The camp of the enemies is desolate. Be brave, and courageous and fear not what they can do.
Remember “fear is a faith killer!” the devil has lost the battle. We are victorious in Christ Jesus.
I decree and declare where ever they have gathered to plan evil against your life and yours is destroyed. Glory to God!
Rest assured that in the four seasons of the day, your life is hidden in Christ and Christ in God.
Grace made us who we are; enjoy it by decreeing and declaring the enemy’s territory desolate. God’s word is who He is and it works very powerfully to achieve the unachievable. Only believe!
I urge you to speak with boldness at all times. You have a sure inheritance in Christ Jesus and victory in Him.
We are more than conquerors and overcomers in this life. All things are possible with God. It shall surely end in praise as testimonies abound. Only Believe!
I pray for you that all negative plans of the enemy over you and yours have been aborted and destroyed this season in Jesus Name, Amen.
In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.