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Word For Today: Power Of Confession.

Opening Scripture: Job  3: 25  For the thing which I greatly feared is come on me, and that which I was afraid of is come to me.

Hallelujah! The Opening Scripture states clearly the power in the words we speak. Glory!

Job before his trial days spoke negative words, full of fear and they came to pass. Fear encourages negative confessions and boldness (fearlessness) gives birth to positive confessions. Be mindful of the things you say. What we expose ourselves to leads to what we confess.

Our thoughts contribute solely to what we say. Remember as a man thinks in his heart so is he-what you think(ponder, meditate) on, you will confess about. When a believer always complains about His family, all he gets to see about them is their negative energy.

Therefore, even when they are doing wrong, see beyond their wrongdoing by confessing positive things concerning them. Little by little you will see only their positive energy toward you. That’s change! So it is to God’s word.

Daily confessing what you feed your mind will bring about manifestations of those confessions. Guide off negative manifestations by confessing rightly according to God’s word by keeping your thoughts in check constantly to fall in line with God’s word, His will for your life. Glory be to God!

According to Proverbs 18: 20-21(Study), to live or to die, being fruitful or unfruitful all depends on the words you speak. What have you been saying lately? Expect the harvest of your words. If you want the best confess positivity.

Saying “I am a success” will definitely bring success to you.
What do you really want to achieve this year? Start by fixing your mind on God and His word for the right thoughts to enable you to have the right confession and surely you will testify.

I see a bountiful harvest because someone confessed positively based on the theme for the year. If you hate being weak, confess strength. I hate sickness, it has no business with me therefore I confess divine health.

Whatsoever you wish to see, confess rightly about it. God wants us to use our words to create great things around us but the devil wants otherwise. Be careful! Glorious manifestation comes based on what you confess in your life. Amen!

What you say can preserve life or destroy it. Every word is consequential! Don’t be ignorant. (Study Matthew 12: 36 -37) Good words, and a good product. Bad words, bad product and so shall it be. What you sow, you shall reap.

Your confession is a reflection of what you feed your inner man. God’s word is the best thing to feed yourself; it is able to save your soul. Hallelujah!   

Words you say are your fruit, and the heart is the tree that produces the fruit therefore plant your tree on God’s word to enable it to produce good fruit through good confession. Saints examine your heart today to discover the thoughts that have the power to hinder you from fulfilling destiny and discard them now.

Note: all must be confessed by faith in God.
I pray for you today, confess life, and live in Jesus Name, Amen

In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.

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