Opening Scripture: John 4: 34
34 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.
Glory to God!
Our savior’s will is to do the work of God His father.
Beloved, what’s your will as a believer?
The food of Jesus is to give eternal life.
And that’s the work of the Father. That all men be saved and don’t perish. Jesus gave His life to give us eternal life.
Now we have gotten that life we ought to continue God’s will that all men are saved and it’s achieved through Soul winning.
Bringing men to the kingdom.
While Christ was on earth, His source of strength is to give eternal life. He gives life because He is life. I am the way the truth and the life (see John 14:6). I am a life – Living Water, Bread from heaven, and He is the life Giver.
Naturally, normal food gives us strength. It refreshes and recharges our bodies.
Spiritually speaking, the food of our spirit is the will of God. Jesus was tired and weary from a long journey John 4:6
Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon.
And yet, simply following the will of God gave Him a spiritual boost.
We are created for a purpose, and that purpose is the will of God, and certainly, we will feel best when we’re accomplishing that purpose. Glory!
Our strength is renewed by doing the will of God.
Beloved we have a purpose beyond this earthly physical body.
No wonder Jesus said in Mathew 4: 4 But he answered said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone…
We can never feel better on earth without fulfilling our purpose of existence in christ. We only get refreshed when we do the will of God our creator. Hallelujah!
Soul winning is paramount we have to make hast while the sun shines and win souls for the Kingdom before it gets dark.
Daily praying for more men to join the harvest. Harvest time is short.
Make. up your mind to do the will of the Father today.
I pray for you today to desire only to do God’s will in Jesus’ name Amen.
In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.