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Word For Today: Merciful Father!

Opening Scripture: Ephesians 2:4
But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us.

God’s Love in action – Love to the unlovely.

“God loves you”. It’s an astounding and profound truth, full of great comfort and power.
But God’s love did not just start from love, it started from His mercy.

But God is Rich in Mercy as the opening scripture says.

What is mercy?
Mercy is when somebody in a position of power decides not to give you what you deserve.

Mercy is about showing leniency and undeserved kindness. Glory to God!

As believers what did we deserve that God’s mercy said No?
What we deserved was what Paul has been talking about in the previous verses (study).

We deserve God’s wrath because we have offended him through sin. We were in a desperate and hopeless situation before God. But instead of showing that wrath to us,

God shows leniency, mercy, compassion, and pity to us and forgives us. What a mighty God full of mercy and loving-kindness.

His mercy brought about His love for mankind and that prompted Him to send His son who died so that we may have life in abundance.

Beloved, what have you done lately that you are not proud of? Don’t allow the devil (the accuser of the brethren) to use that thing(Secret sin) to weigh your spiritual life down by secretly accusing you daily and denying great opportunities in Christ.

God’s mercy is still available, go to Him in prayers asking for forgiveness and genuinely repenting from that wrongdoing and He will certainly forgive you.

If you are not born again, it’s also an opportunity to have God’s love in action through the forgiveness of sin. Reach out to him today and He will give you a new life in Christ Jesus.

“His great love with which he loved us” is available for all mind kind. Go for that love from a Merciful father.

I pray for you to embrace the mercy of God that leads to love that gave us eternal life in Christ Jesus in Jesus’ name Amen.

In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.

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