Opening Scripture: Isaiah 7: 6 – 7
6: “Let us invade Judah; let us tear it apart and divide it among ourselves, and make the son of Tabeel king over it.”
7:Yet this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “’ It will not take place, it will not happen
Glory to God!
Beloved the sovereign Lord says It will not happen.
And Judah was saved and delivered from the hands of their oppressors and those who wanted to the lord and rule over Judah.
What is trying to rule you, beloved it’s high time you tell them they can never rule or take you over.
Is it a sin? Run back to God and ask for repentance to stop the advancement of sin over your life before it takes total control over your life.
Maybe it’s a challenge that is trying to take over your life with its pressures, beloved remind it of God’s word it will not happen.
When the sovereign Lord speaks, no one can challenge Him. He’s the Alpha and omega. The beginning and the end.
Why not believe Him today that He is capable of doing whatever He says He will do?
The camp of the enemies is destroyed completely. They can never lord your life this season no matter their plans in Jesus’ name Amen.
Judah the people of praise. Let praise continually to be in your mouth throughout this season. When praise goes up divinity steps in.
I pray for you today, to have faith in God’s word and you shall testify in Jesus’ name Amen.
In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.