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Word For Today: How To Know If A Response Is God’s Decision (Part 2)

Opening Scripture :1 Samuel 23: 1 – 4.
1: When David was told, “Look, the Philistines are fighting against Keilah and are looting the threshing floors,”
2: he inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I go and attack these Philistines?” The LORD answered him, “Go, attack the Philistines and save Keilah.”

Halleluyah! Previously I said to double check our response after we inquire from God through prayers, we get it done through;

1) Scriptural backings.
But today we will be looking at the number two way of double checking which is:-

2) The Holy Spirit

Given our lives to Christ allowed us to know Him – such a sweet gentle spirit.
Also, it provided us the ability for the Holy Spirit to live within us

Are you not aware of this; that part of His role in our lives is guidance and direction? Hallelujah!
He does this in diverse/ many different ways.

Often through a still soft voice, sometimes through just “knowing.”
Yes knowing your inner man will be at peace.
Sometimes while we are praying things become clear, other times the spirit gives us a strong desire or a passion to do something. Glory!

Beloved as we learn to listen to the Spirit, over time we learn to recognize his “voice” just as we quickly recognize a good friend’s voice on the telephone even without caller display.

One of our challenges is this, We often pour our hearts out to God in prayer and then do not wait for his response.
There is an urgent need for us to learn to be still and listen in prayer as much as we talk to enable us to hear Him when He speaks.

As I earlier started the Holy Spirit works in diverse ways. The Holy Spirit can also guide us by more unusual means
I) Through dreams
ii) Visions.
(iii) Physical manifestation.

Therefore be sensitive to the Spirit to easily understand the medium He will use to communicate God’s will to you on a particular matter
and spring into action through obedience.

Remember until you develop a close relationship with Him, you won’t hear Him when He speaks.
You must learn to quiet your mind from external noise and negative thoughts to enable you to hear Him when He speaks.

Finally, you must Study His word always.

I pray for you today to inquire from the Lord always for better direction in life in Jesus’ name Amen.

In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.

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