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Word For Today: His Name

Opening Scripture: Philippians 2:10
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

His name is mighty and victorious.
What a powerful name it is – the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

It’s not an ordinary name. It’s a name every other name bows to both in heaven and on earth and things other the earth. Hallelujah!

No matter the challenge/ situation, as long as it has a name it must bow to the name of Christ.

His name is highly exalted. He paid the price He stood His ground and prevailed. Now that you are in Christ you have the right, and the ability to use His name for your defense and nothing can or can stop you.

The enemy the devil and his cohorts have bowed.
Principalities and powers must bow.
We are here on earth to fulfill our purpose and destiny in life in Christ.
I ask what is presently presenting itself as an enemy to your fulfillment of destiny. Does it have a name? If yes, Beloved victory is yours.

Make decrees now and watch them come to pass in His name.
Have this Scripture in mind. Job 22: 28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.

John 14:14 amp says Yes I will grant ( I will do for you) Whatever you shall ask in My Name(as presenting all that I Am)

Remember His word must come to pass. Don’t forget His name is at stake and He must defend His name. Glory!

Note: you can only make decrees or ask in His name in line with His will and purpose for your life and God’s word is here to guide you concerning His will for your life.

In the place of prayers use His name to achieve the impossible in the eyes of men concerning that life-threatening issue, over that challenge that is trying to prevent you from fulfilling destiny.

Beloved Wake up stops feeling defeated because you are not. Put your faith at work in His name and you will rejoice and be glad.

Beloved, you are not disadvantaged in this life for the fact you have Christ.

At the mention of His name, every knee must bow.

I pray for you today as you use His name I see challenges bowing down completely in Jesus’ name Amen.

In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.

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