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Word For Today: God’s Love And Peace Is Stable And Reliable.

Opening Scripture: Isaiah 54:10   
“Though the mountains are shaken and the hills are removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, ” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.   

Glory to God!  
God’s love is constant towards us; everything spoke to us by Him, and surely will He do it. His convent of peace He will not withhold from us. 

When you trust and depend on Him your hope for glorious things will not elude you. Beloved, God’s Word is true. It’s yes and Amen. 

I will give perfect peace to those whose mind is stayed on God (see Isaiah 26: 3) is your mind stayed on God? Make up your mind to dwell in the peace which God gives. Praise the Lord!  

The Holy Spirit is dwelling richly in us to activate His Word, just trust and depend on God and experience joy overflow.  
Romans 15:13 says May the God of hope fill you with all the joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the holy spirit”.

Beloved trust in God at all times to enjoy and be filled with joy and peace.   
Don’t allow anything or situation to take away your peace. The Prince of Peace our Savior Jesus said in 
John 14:27 ” Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I did not give to you as the world gives.   

Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. Worldly kind of peace is temporary and never filling but God’s peace leaves you filled with joy and hope for miracles. 

I see testimonies Amen!  
God’s love is not fickle like that of humans that fail. No matter the challenge be strong and courageous as we serve a joy giver!  

Beloved hold on to God’s love and peace. A lot of things will happen that will contend with your peace in this world but we have God’s word ever ready to defend us once we depend on Him as our source. (John 16: 33 study)

Beloved let your joy and peace be seasonless as you trust in God’s love for perfect peace. Hallelujah! 

Beloved, I pray for you today that the Lord of peace himself will give you peace at all times and in every way in Jesus’ name amen.  
In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.

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