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Word for Today:  Do You Have A Prophet?  

Opening Scripture: Amos 3:7  
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.  

The Opening Scripture gladdens my heart. God reveals to redeem. Who is God’s servant?

One who fears the Lord and does Him will no matter the time – be it in the midst of troubles or not. They are holy men of God to whom the Lord reveals things. 

Who is a prophet? This is someone elected by the office, called of God by gift fitted for it and by extraordinary assistance of the Holy Spirit.

Beloved when you locate
your Prophet you receive your answers to questions. God’s secrets are His purpose and counsel that cannot be known ahead if He did not reveal it.  

An office of a sitting Prophet is needed in the life of a believer the ones who through fore telling declare into the future and it comes with specific instructions and guidelines.

And also through Forth-Telling to utter forth, a thing which can only be known by divine revelation; declare the divine will, to interpret the purposes of God, or to make known in any way the truth of God which is designed to influence people. 
Please remember that name-calling, revealing your telephone number, or telling about your past is not a prophecy but a word of knowledge.

Why is this important? It is needed throughout the entire body of Christ to boldly proclaim the carnally obscured revelation of God’s instructions and promises. 
This gift helps those who open the word yet get discouraged, (because of a lack of understanding) discourages. It brings exhortation, and edification to the body of  Christ.

Prophesy gives us comfort and hope.  (See 1 corinthian 14: 3)   
Be open to prophets for the Holy Spirit still speaks through people, anyone speaking contrary to their existence is blaspheming.

We need to understand what real prophecy entails. It comes with directions and guidelines that profane solutions.  
It does not leave one empty or scared but brings answers that lead to testimonies. Glory!

It is often needed and used on a more personal level to establish the unique nature of Yahweh and must line up with God’s overall will and purpose for you and its Kingdom agenda. 
 It is one of the instituted church office functions. 

Ephesians 4:11 says and he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;   
(Also see 1 Corinthians 12:8; 1 Corinthians 14:5)

This kind of prophecy is the ability to see beyond the surface information and into the revelation of God’s Word and declare it with certainty. 
Beloved locate your Prophet today and get deeper revelations from God.

Do you desire to be a Prophet? Ask the Holy Spirit and He will give you as you desire. As a Church and Nation, we need prophets. God who told Noah about the end of the world still speaks to date.

I decree and declare it’s your season of reward and supernatural supply.

I pray for you to be open to receive from God through His prophets in Jesus’ name Amen.  
In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.

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