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Word For Today: Demolish It With God’s Word.   

Opening Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:10 NLT  
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to  
Beloved God’s word carries power and when it proceeds out of your mouth to settle issues it’s authority. 

I ask what presence do you carry?  
Negative thoughts are brought to obedience to
God’s word with authority.

We are kings and we are to reign in life with Christ. Where the king’s word is there is power and authority. We are to command things to obey us with God’s word as believers. 
Speak with boldness there is no fear in us. Our role model is Christ, while on earth He shows cased power and authority in Mark 1: 23- 27 study. Jesus needed not to say a word. His presence said it all and He drove out the unclean spirits – Authority and Power. 

Beloved, is your presence a terror to the kingdom of darkness? Their kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it by force. That’s a person of authority and power. Glory to God!

We have the Holy Spirit in us, the enabling ability to do great and mighty things. Allow Him to work in your life. 
 Jesus said the other day that for you to possess these authorities you must believe (study John 14: 12) 

I then ask, do you believe in Him? What are those negative thoughts trying to limit you from believing you cannot demonstrate authority and power? 

Subdue them today with God’s word. Bring those contrary thoughts to captivity. Praise Him!  
Contrary thoughts bring doubt and it affects our belief system and our faith.
Beloved destroy completely with the Word any force trying to say otherwise concerning God’s words and promises over your life. 
 How did we get the power to demolish? (Study John 5: 26) 

Remember the ability for greater work is in you. The Holy Spirit releases the source and touches our lives in wonderful ways. 

Now that you have this very life, authority and power, let your presence be a terror to the enemy. Make decrees and they shall stand. What are those challenges speaking contrary to the

Word of God in your life?  
It is time to speak to your life not just only your life but that of others to conform to God’s Word. Are you a believer in authority? If yes fix things into place. 

Stop being confused and looking for what to do. The solution lies in you. Just reach within and act and get long-lasting results with miracles following.  
Note: We are for signs and wonders. Do exploit!  

I pray for you today that you demonstrated authority and power for the extraordinary life in Jesus’ name Amen.  
In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.

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