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Word for Today: Build An Altar. Part 1

Opening Scripture: Genesis 22: 9
Then they came to the place of which God had told him; and Abraham built the altar there and arranged the wood, and bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood.

Glory to God!
Papa Abraham was a man of obedience, beloved are you?

Only in obedience will an altar function appropriately. God does not require human blood we all read how God provided a lamb for the sacrifice. 

But every believer needs to build an altar for God, making yourself the sacrifice.
What is an altar?

An Altar is a place that is created for worship unto God; a place of fellowship with God. It is a place where praises and prayers are rendered unto God.

Hallelujah! An altar is a place of refuge, comfort, and peace from the troubles of this world. 
An Altar could also be a place where intercession is being made for the well-being of others inspired by the Holy Spirit.

An altar simply means a place of prayers where you communicate with God for the rain to be constant for your harvest, you must dedicate enough time for prayers, sacrificing yourself for it. 
Be reminded consistency and tenacity are highly needed. Glory to God! 

Beloved, there are different types of altars I want you to participate in but without commitment to the first one others can’t follow. Am talking about Personal Altar which is in your heart where God dwells. (Jeremiah 29; 12-13 study)

You set aside time to have one-on-one communication with God for worship, praises, thanksgiving, and prayer. It is best early in the morning when there would be little or no disturbance/distraction. 
The purpose is to hear and talk to God; it ensures a direct link with God.

Luke 5:16 But He Himself withdrew (in retirement) to the wilderness (desert) and prayed.

Note; this does not imply it’s only in the dessert you have a personal altar. Your altar is your heart and God is everywhere.

An Altar symbolizes holiness and represents the presence of God; a higher place where untarnished services are offered to God. Bless His name! 

Do you have an altar? If yes -you are ready for the rain for harvest.

If No! you need to step up your game and God is ever willing to send His rain. With a personal altar, your life will never ever be the same – will be filled with a bountiful harvest. Glory!

The moment you committed to Personal Altar you will be able to function in the other Altars, are you ready? 
To be continued…

I pray for you today to build an altar in Jesus name. Amen.

In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.

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