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Word For Today: Are You A Man!?

Opening Scripture:
1Corinthians 13: 11
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, and I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

Praise the Lord!
Paul in the opening scripture established two things;

The childhood nature and the manhood nature. Childhood nature is the suckling stage (naturing stage) it ought to be temporary while manhood is the maturity stage in christ.

When you’re fully led by the Holy Spirit. Though you still undergo training but at this stage, you don’t allow feelings to lead you but the Spirit of God.
Study Romans 8: 14.

In this stage, you no longer make decisions based on the flesh but the spirit because you’re spirit-led.

If you’re still controlled by the impulsive nature of the flesh then you’re a child. A child does not know they’re left from their right.

It takes growth to be able to be a man in Christ this can be achieved through studying God’s word.
As a believer how often do you study God’s word for growth?

Not forgetting when you have obtained this growth and be a man you need to discard the child-like nature.

You can’t be a man and a child at the same time. So it’s not expected of you to act like a child sometimes and then act like a man the other times.

It’s abnormal and an error to remain a child you need to grow. At the maturity stage, you find your Christian life void of mistakes because the spirit of God resident in you will be your guide.

As believers, we should at every point showcase the Christ-like life and nature. Growth is highly needed to enable us to defend the gospel we preach. We are the product of what we say we are – sons and daughters of the highest God.

I ask is your life reflecting the Christ-like life?

Are you not aware; it takes studying to know how to defend the gospel we preach?! Studying brings this growth. Hallelujah!

2Timothy 2:15 says
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Beloved our only source of information as believers is in God’s word. (See 2 Corinthians 3: 18)

God’s word can take you to the next level of growth. It’s a continuous process and it opens your eyes to the truth which brought deliverance and blessings. Glory!

Note: you should be tenacious and consistent in studying His word.
Be Informed!

Do you desire to do exploits in our generation?
Remember Men do exploits and not babies and maturity for exploits is achieved through growth and growth is gotten through studying God’s word daily for higher impact.

I pray for you today to desire growth like never before and do exploits in Christ in Jesus’ name Amen.

In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.

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