Word For Today: What Leads You?
Opening Scripture: Romans 8 : 14 Ampc
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God.
Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit? If No, you need Him because without Him your Christian life is incomplete.
If Yes, this prompts the question; Is He leading you?
What leads you determines the level you will get to in Christ and fulfillment of destiny. Hallelujah!
Listen Son’s are those who have fully yielded themselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Those who are not led by the impulse of flesh (human nature without God) but by the spirit of God.
Our Saviour Christ when He was on earth was led by the Holy Spirit. Luke 4 : 1 says Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.
He is our role model and as such a believer should behave like how Christ did on earth (Christ -like nature).
Praise the Lord!
Remember He is the one that bears witness with our spirit (assuring us) that we are children of God.
Jesus told the disciples do not leave until you receive Him. He is aware of the world/the enemy and He has overcome them for us. He knows that the power to defeat the challenges the enemy will bring to us is in the Holy Spirit – so you need Him.
The bible said in Acts 1 : 8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; …
Having the Holy Spirit is power and when you allow Him to lead, you will experience His abilities in diverse ways.
Son’s are matured believers, those who have come to terms that they exist for God and Him alone.
Beloved the Holy Spirit has a vital role to play in our growth as believers – from baby to maturity stage.
(1 Peter 2 : 2 study)
God’s word is our source for growth and the Holy Spirit enables us understand the word and also have the activating power to make it come to pass if only we believe. Glory to God!
Galatians 5 : 16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
When you are led by the flesh you gratify the flesh but when you are led by the Spirit, certainly you will not gratify the cravings of the flesh and you are not subject to the law. The devil will never have charge over you.
When He leads, there is no communication gap. You will find direction, make decisions inline with your destiny, His plan, will and purpose for your life.
Understand this;without being filled with the Holy Spirit there will be no leading. I ask again are you filled? Desire to receive Him today. Where He lives, there is liberty. Hallelujah!
When He leads He does mighty things in and through you; the very life of the supernatural.
Right now make up your mind to allow Him to lead while you follow and surely you will testify and be a blessing to lives.
I pray for you today, be spirit led and enjoy shining as a light in Christ in Jesus name Amen.
In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.
Amen. Am richly blessed by this devotional . Thanks