Opening Scripture: Psalm 18: 2
The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer; my God, my keen and firm Strength in Whom I will trust and take refuge, my Shield, and the Horn of my salvation, my High Tower.
Glory to God!
He is the Horn of our salvation!
If you believe shout hallelujah!
Indeed our Lord is our Rock; our strong foundation that can never be moved. He has delivered us out of darkness into Light.
Our fortress rescued us from every lying tongue of the enemy. In Him as believers we have and draw strength to do all things, in Him we trust – who knows the best for us.
Our shield; protector, safety place – no harm shall come near our dwellings. Salvation came through Christ and Christ alone. Glory to God!
He is the lifter of our heads. He is our compensation – He will compensate you for your trouble and losses.
Genesis 15: 1 Ampc After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram, I am your Shield, your abundant compensation, and your reward shall be exceedingly great.
Just as He spoke to papa Abraham so is He still speaking to us and compensating us to date. God’s word never fails.
Beloved is that the God you serve? David understood the mighty God He served. He was fulfilled as a king won many battles as a king and dies in old age because His God was with him.
Our God is with us!
That should be our song; we are victorious in Christ. No matter the challenge we have a God that is unmovable. God’s word is so comforting and full of blessings. Praise Him!
I remember telling someone yesterday that great things are not made in a day it takes time. We are all clay in the hands of our master. With all these qualities I go nowhere but patiently wait on Him. He that started the Good work is faithful to complete it. We matter in life and will reign with Christ forever.
Let the Opening scripture be your watchword. When the issues of life are threatening do not be dismayed for we have a place to run to. When your knees are weak because of pressure you have a place to draw strength.
Have people failed you? Trust in God He never fails. Don’t be scared of the enemy surely God will protect you. Have you lost hope? Come to Him and find salvation – a better life. Have you been limited? With Him, there is no limitation you can achieve or reach any heights.
Beloved just be confident and rest assured that all things are working for your good. His turning things around in your business, marriage, children’s life, and health for He are capable.
Believe and have faith in God. With Him, you can never be put to shame.
Never will He forsake you.
I pray for you today that your life will reflect Christ and that the blessings of His finished work on Calvary will be evident in your life for all to see in Jesus’ name Amen.
In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.