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Word For Today: Keep Faith Alive.

Opening Scripture :
James 1 :3 – 4 Msg
You know that under pressure, your faith life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.

Pressure determines if we have faith in God or not.
When those wrong suggestions keep popping up demanding you use it imminent the present challenge.

Beloved knowing fully well it’s contrary to God’s word and refusing to succumb to the pressure and staying with God’s words is Faith.

Do you have faith?
How often have you found yourself under pressure and made wrong choices?

Note: Don’t be in a hurry to walk out of the pressure to avoid mistakes, allow the true color of your faith life to show, thoroughly working for you to become mature, well-developed, and lacking nothing. Praise the Lord!

What seems to be pressuring you now? Remain focussed – He never failed pressures, the devil will want you to lose hope and faith in your sustainer – refuse to do so. Let your faith abound the more under pressure Hallelujah!

Who is your sustainer?
God is our sustainer.

Philippians 4: 13 Ampc says
I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me (I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses inner strength into me; I am (self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency).

What a translation…Glory be to God! Are you ready for anything? If God is your sustainer, you should be ever ready to face any pressure. For the gospel and personal life to avoid making quick and wrong decisions.

Human strength and abilities do fail therefore never rely on it and rather rely on God. Glory!

We can’t sustain God rather, He sustains us.
Understand the following:-

1)Pressures come to disturb you from being obedient to God’s Word and succeeding.
Be wise and never lose hope in God. Your faith is made perfect to produce results.

2) Pressures come most times out of your obedience to God’s Word. Why?
They come to fight your work and fulfillment of destiny to frustrate you out of the right direction.

3) Pressure is a sign that you have a pulse and the joy of being alive will enable you to do more. Hallelujah!

Allow your faith through patience and endurance to do thorough work in you, in the end, you lack nothing.

When God is your source, you will never get perturbed by any pressure. His victory is assured. Allow God’s word to order your life. Hallelujah!

Amid pressure remember God is your sustainer. He has given you victory over all circumstances beloved rejoice.

I encourage you to be self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. Glory!

I pray for you today, that you shall experience and enjoy victory on every side in all you do in this season of testimonies in Jesus’ name. Amen.

In The Spirit Of Love:
Remain Ever Lifted.

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